Worship & Sunday School

Sunday Worship


Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday worship, usually Holy Communion but occasionally Morning Prayer, is traditional and includes prayers, bible readings, a reflection or sermon perhaps, and congregational hymns led by our organist. Everyone is welcome to take Communion. Afterwards, you can stay for coffee and conversation.

Our worship service is also live-streamed to our Facebook page.

Children are welcome to take part in worship or join in the Sunday School program.


Sunday School


Sunday School is offered for all children at the same time as Sunday Worship (but not in the summer months). Children are also welcome to stay with their families throughout the service. On Sundays when Holy Communion is offered, Sunday School participants rejoin their families during the Communion.


St. David’s Episcopal Church

140 Mappa Avenue
Barneveld, NY 13304
(315) 896-6707

Free on-street parking available at the church.